Neil Brick

Information on Neil Brick

In 1995,  Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter.  In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.

There are now 177 newsletters online at

with many conferences with online transcripts and ordering information

Ritual Abuse, Sex Trafficking and Mind Control Presentation – Transcript and Video – Neil Brick

The Effects of Social Movements on Survivor Support Systems and Survivor Recovery – Neil Brick

Neil Brick – The Effects of Social Movements on Survivor Support Systems and Survivor Recovery – PowerPoint

Neil Brick will speak about the history of ritualistic abuse and the effects of social movements on survivors. He will present historical information regarding the literature of clinicians and researchers. He will describe the effects of social and historical movements on survivor support systems and survivor recovery.

The Modern False Memory Syndrome Movement in the United States – Neil Brick – SMART Conference 2022

The Modern False Memory Syndrome Movement in the United States – Neil Brick

The 2021 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference   August 14 – 15, 2021  Speakers include: Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE, Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman and Ellen Lacter.  Internet conference information:

Mind Control and How to Stop it – Neil Brick

Mind Control and How to Stop it – Neil Brick (Transcript of PowerPoint)

The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2021 Conference Presentations

This year’s presenters: Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman, Ellen Lacter, Randy Noblitt, Sarah Nelson, Elana Christensen, Eileen Aveni and Annika Lundin


Mind Control and How to Stop it Presenter: Neil Brick

Mind Control and How to Stop it – Neil Brick – PowerPoint This presentation explained how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of individual and public settings. These will include interpersonal relationships, abusive relationships, ritual abuse settings, social media, political manipulation and hypnosis. Ways to expose and prevent mind control will be discussed. Social views of mind control will be presented.

The 2020 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference 

August 8 – 9, 2020 Internet conference information:  

Speakers included: Dr. Laurie Matthew – OBE, Dr Sarah Nelson – Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee, Neil Brick, Kieran Watson (manager with Izzy’s Promise – Dundee, Scotland) and Dr. Randy Noblitt and Pamela Perskin Noblitt.

The 2020 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference Video Presentations and PowerPoints

Presentation on Izzy’s Promise
Izzy’s Promise offers training and consultancy services; Conducts research into causes of ritual abuse and any ways of preventing or relieving the suffering caused by abuse. Presentation on Ritual Abuse Network Scotland (RANS)
RANS provides information and a safe place to talk for survivors of ritual abuse.

Rebuttals of “Satanic Panic” Theory and “False Memory Syndrome”

The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2020 Online Conference
Regular Conference – Saturday and Sunday May 16 – 17, 2020
Clinician’s Conference – Friday May 15, 2020
Speakers Included: Dr. Randy Noblitt and Pamela Perskin Noblitt, Dr. Karol Darsa, Neil Brick and Cristina Mardirossian, LMFT

Petition:  Stop Misinformation and Attacks on Survivors of Trauma and Their Helpers by The Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction


Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors – Neil Brick

Negative Social Movements
1) Nazism – The Third Reich 1920 – 1945
2) Modern American Right Wing Political Movement
3) The Satanic Temple – Grey Faction and Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves (both aliases)

Recovered Memories and Dissociative Amnesia – Scientific Evidence and Accuracy Rates   There is scientific evidence in support of the phenomena of dissociation and recovered memory in Holocaust survivors.

The 2019 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
August 17 – 18, 2019
DoubleTree near Bradley International Airport  Windsor  Locks, CT

Speakers include: Alison Miller, Neil Brick and Daniel Roemer.
Excellent Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Last Weekend Article about the conference. “Attendees report that it was an excellent conference, highly educational with books, literature, presentations and special performances on Saturday night.”

Possible Hate Groups – How Do They Effect Survivors and Their Resources

A Survivor’s View of Recovery from Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick

The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2019 Conference

Speakers included: Alison Miller, Randy Noblitt, Eileen Aveni and Neil Brick

Survivorship Conference May 2019 – Promotional Video

A Survivor’s View of Recovery from Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick

Recovery from ritual abuse can take many years. Recovery may include working through memories, building functionality and developing more effective ways of interacting and integrating emotions. Every individual has different experiences that lead them through the recovery path. Neil Brick will discuss his long journey healing from severe abuse. This will include ways he has learned more about himself, ways he has learned to develop healthier interactions with others and ways he has helped others along the recovery path.

Neil Brick presented at: The 2018 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
August 18 – 19, 2018 in Connecticut

His topic: Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years

The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation will discuss the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes.

Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick

Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers; Speakers included Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick

Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 23 years.

Articles by Neil Brick

Neil Brick has worked hard to build a research base for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors.  Neil Brick has worked to develop advocacy efforts to help survivors and their helpers.

There are online articles with inaccurate information about Neil Brick.  This web page responds to factual errors about Neil Brick and his work.

Those interested in contacting Neil for an interview may write for more information.

Neil Brick has always been a strong advocate for people thinking for themselves. Neil Brick has encouraged people to use their critical thinking skills and fully research topics.

In one presentation, Neil Brick stated :

“Please use your own judgment and research everything as fully as possible. Don’t accept anything anyone says simply because they say it is true or claim to be an expert. Try to check it out for yourself.”

Several of Neil Brick’s articles (listed below) provide readers information on how to avoid being mind controlled and encourage readers to find out for themselves about topics from as many sources as possible.

Advocacy Alert

Petition to Stop Attacks Against Child Abuse and Ritual Abuse Survivors and Neil Brick

Please sign at:

Please sign this petition to show support for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors. One may use the check box below the signature area to keep your name confidential.  We are asking everyone to sign this petition and let others know about it. Let’s stop the attacks against child abuse survivors and their helpers.

Neil Brick’s conference presentation transcripts:
Neil Brick – Survivorship Conference 2017 – How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference

Neil Brick – Survivorship Conference 2017 – Freedom from Mind Control

How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference and Freedom from Mind Control – 2017 Presentation by Neil Brick

Topics include:
Neil Brick, Satanic Temple, Grey Faction, Doug Mesner, Lucien Greaves, mind control, propaganda, hypnosis, ritual abuse

The Urban Legends of Those Attacking Ritual Abuse Theories and the False Logic of False Memory Proponents and Their Occultist Supporters – Presentation at the 2016 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
Second half of the article discusses the Grey Faction, a part of the Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves/Doug Mesner.

How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference

The Battle to Stop Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick

Doing the right thing and getting stronger at the same time, a survivor’s path to recovery and helping others by Neil Brick

Recent Child Abuse Crimes and Efforts to Unite Survivors by Neil Brick

Always Getting Stronger: Giving Survivors a Voice in the World by Neil Brick

The Myth of Panic – Exposing Theories Used to Cover Up Ritual Abuse Crimes by Neil Brick

Fighting the Spin : The Truth about Child Abuse Cases by Neil Brick

The Move from Blame the Victim to Blame the Helper by Neil Brick

Ritual Abuse, the trenches of the stopping child abuse movement by Neil Brick

Debating The Non-Believers – Getting equal time for Survivors’ Views by Neil Brick

Stopping Ritual Abuse – What can we do today by Neil Brick

The 12-step Healing Process and Survivor Advocacy by Neil Brick

How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works by Neil Brick

How can we advocate for survivors of ritual abuse by example and advocacy? by Neil Brick

Stopping Mind Control and Healing by Neil Brick

My healing and helping others by Neil Brick

My Most Recent Memories and My Personal Growth by Neil Brick

Trigger management and conference safety presentation by Neil Brick

Other papers, articles and transcripts written by Neil Brick

Evolving as a Movement – Taking a Step Forward

How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships by Neil Brick

The Etymological Antecedents of and Scientific Evidence for the Existence of Dissociative Identity Disorder by Neil Brick

The Neurological Basis for the Theory of Recovered Memory by Neil Brick

The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the Case of Jane Doe by Neil Brick

Propaganda & Mind Control by Neil Brick

Ritual Abuse and Its Political Implications by Neil Brick

Solidarity in the fight against Ritual Abuse and Torture by Neil Brick

Advocacy and Saving Lives by Neil Brick

Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Presentation by Neil Brick

Data proving the existence of recovered memory, ritual abuse, mk-ultra and information on the backlash by Neil Brick

How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and Propaganda by Neil Brick

Video on youtube –
Proof ritual abuse and Satanic ritual abuse exists by Neil Brick

Information on harassment of Neil Brick and SMART

Neil Brick’s response to attacks and harassment by false memory proponents.

Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet:
For almost a decade Douglas Misicko using several aliases (including Douglas Mesner and Lucien Greaves) has harassed groups helping child abuse, rape and trauma survivors. He has also harassed groups providing research in support of child abuse, rape and trauma survivors.
In 2013, he and others created a group called the Satanic Temple. One part of this group is called the Grey Faction. The Grey Faction states they “invade” conferences. These conferences  are provided to help and educate child abuse, rape and trauma survivors and their helpers.

Exposing Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves – co-founder of the Satanic Temple and Grey Faction presenter

Reply to the Grey Faction’s Petition to Revoke the License of Neil Brick

Alison Miller’s reply to Evan Anderson, Grey Faction Director of The Satanic Temple (TST)’s Grey Faction

“The reason I discontinued my membership in the College of Psychologists has nothing to do with the Grey Faction’s harassing complaint about my writings and online videos. I left the College because I am 78 years old. I retired two years ago.”  – Alison Miller

“That is why I resigned, not because I was about to be found guilty of promoting unscientific conspiracy theories. Anderson has posted his complaint and the College’s response, distorting the story by omitting the College’s letter to me and my response to it. As for not being allowed to call myself a “psychologist,” that is the situation for every retired psychologist. It is similar for other health professions, and it does not indicate that the work I did was inferior or that I was found guilty of unethical behavior.”  – Alison Miller

Reply to the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction online guest post

Rebuttal to the Grey Faction Lucien Greaves presentation about SMART and additional Grey Faction information about Neil Brick

Douglas Misicko alias Douglas Mesner update 7 – Radio Interview Rebuttal

Douglas Misicko alias Douglas Mesner update 6 – article

#Neil_Brick #NeilBrick Neil Brick @NeilBrick @Neil_Brick